
    What I have gained through my academic journey can greatly explains the different subjects I am taking so far, the discoveries / lessons have changed my understanding of each subject I study. All of this is how I have found myself aware that I hold the capabilities to function more effectively in school but it requires me to focus harder and push myself to pursue my studies more. The key that I’ve found is what I’ve come to call time management. I’ve found that this skill has become an essential skill I master, because I no longer need to go through additional useless problems when completing my academic tasks. Sometime things became a real challenge for me if there are so many pending tasks to accomplish but then I handle better time management, I am able to organize and complete my task smoothly without that unnecessary pressure. Additionally, I have learned how to help in work with my groupmates and classmates in order to communicate better. I learned in communication to transmit my ideas, to share information, to be precise about feelings. This is important for building good relationships and achieving group goals. I’ve also been able to communicate better and to better understand what others see and this has made for better teamwork as well.

     Running a blog is one of the major things that I faced a challenge with was managing time. Before I started properly allocating my time I would get overworked and overwhelmed by deadlines and the tasks that I should have done earlier. My poor studying was hampered by this poor time management, as I was on incomplete assignments the whole time as I tried to prepare for exams. It hampered me in my focus and I would do poorly if I had to juggle writing assignments with studying for tests. My academic obligations are many, and on top of that, I have enormous responsibilities regarding my faith, which accounts for a significant lot of the day. It was quite a struggle to have to manage these religious responsibilities too in addition to schoolwork. Without proper time management, it became even more difficult to maintain the necessary focus on both fronts.

     This has given me the desire to take a few very concrete steps to improve my time management skill. I'll begin with developing a comprehensive planner, out of which we can start. Using this planner, I’m able to map each task I need to get completed with a deadline associated. Visualizing these tasks will help me know exactly what I should and can do later, allowing me to arrange my workorder in a more time efficient manner. Second, I will also take large tasks and break them into small, easy enough chunks. With this strategy, the assignments will feel less daunting, but, with it, I will gradually work my way through it and work steadily without the pressure of having to complete the entire long list at once. Moreover, I will devote the most of my time to studying, and make sure I finish tasks on time. To simply put it, I am not going to permit them to distract me from paying my dues by providing me the false sense of relax and resting me with such things as social media and online games. Time spent in social media and games can easily take me away from both studying and my household responsibilities, so this will be the key to me being able to focus more emotionally on my studies. How we can be more efficient will depend largely on following a daily routine of doing productive things and eliminating as much fluff as possible. This routine will help me have the best of all worlds – school, personal commitments and other responsibilities and that reducing last minute panic and stress.

     In the next, I will work to find out how to work with my time well. I have discovered that I have to take on such stress, pressure and responsibilities in my study and religious commitments with high responsibility. When I realized one thing was that I needed to do things as soon as possible so I don’t start piling work up and stressing myself. Looking back, I can see from doing assignments as soon as they are given that you avoid the overwhelming late night feeling. I will use these to make my study process a little smoother and a lot more efficient, allowing me to do my studying with no time mishandling to worry about. So, if I don’t try very hard to not waste my time, I’ll continue to suffer needlessly. The reason that I want to better my time management is because I need to have enough time to work on other responsibilities as well, like schoolwork. I will slowly learn better management of my schedule and now will have enough time to any part of my life, not just academics. It will therefore be a gradual improvement which will make me into a better person, that will facilitate my meeting of both academic and personal obligations and provide me with a sense of balance and responsibility.


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