thematic output
National Clean-Up Month and World Clean
and Green Week
The fact that we are now celebrating National Clean-Up Month and World Clean and Green Week tells us that being a green country is something we have to do together. The natural disasters around the world are not exceptions all the time but we can never say it is not possible that these natural disaster happens but instead we can say that with our actions these natural disaster can be mitigated. We contribute to the prevention of disasters and in the good health of the ecosystem through cultivating an environmentally conscious living and leading communities towards clean up and conservation. So this is a reminder that small actions, if enough of them combined, can really make a huge difference in the environmental protection that future generations need.
You can see me in the act of planting this papaya tree in this photo. Planting trees or any other plant is a very simple thing that you should do for safeguarding the environment. For years now, we know global warming is still an issue all over the world, especially because many people don't care about cutting trees illegally or not properly disposing of waste. Planting more trees helps us to restore nature’s balance and to reduce carbon emissions, purify air, and promote wildlife. This kind of small step would soon add up and help protect our planet for the future.
You can see the some residents of a barangay cleaning up their surroundings together with some help of the local officials here. Not only is this collective effort to improve the environment, it also prepares for an incoming typhoon. The community saves itself from the risk of flooding and other disasters by removing debris and potential hazards to make a place a little safer and cleaner for everyone.
This picture is me putting dried leaves in the planter box. They have a natural breakdown over time and as the leave disintegrates, the plants are returning back helpful nutrients to the soil, making them a natural festerizer for excellent plant development. It's a simple act of recycling organic waste that gives back good soil and cuts down on the use of chemical fertilizers. Even such small actions are able to make a big difference for a positive impact into sustainability.
Wow ! Nice blog, your blog may inspire young ones to join and protect the earth.